1. Fungsi
Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan/kejadian/peristiwa/kegiatan yang selesai dilakukan pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu.
2. Keterangan Waktu
Adapun keterangan waktu yang digunakan adalah :
- yesterday (kemaren)
- last week (minggu lalu)
- last month (bulan lalu)
- last year (tahun lalu)
- two days ago ( 2 hari yang lalu)
- five years ago (lima tahun lalu)
3. Rumus Simple Past Tense
a). Kalimat Nominal
(+) Subject + was/were + complement
(-) Subject + was/were + not + complement
(?) Was/were + subject + complement ?
- was digunakan untuk subjek :I, she, he, it
- were digunakan untuk subjek : you, they, we
Contoh kalimat:
1. (+) She was late yesterday
(-) She was not late yesterday
(?) Was she late yesterday?
2. (+) They were at the school last week
(-) They weren't at the school last week
(?) Were they at school yesterday?
b) Kalimat Verbal
(+) Subject + verb2 + Complement
(-) Subject + did+ not + Verb1 + Complement
(?) Did + subject + verb1 + complement ?
Contoh kalimat :
1. (+) We studied English last Friday
(-) We did not study English last Friday
(?) Did we study English last Friday?
2. (+) He went to Singapore two days ago
(-) He didn't go to Singapore two days ago
(?) Did he go to Singapore two days ago?
Semoga paham ya dengan materi singkat diatas. Nah untuk latihan kamu bisa coba di link ini ya..
Simple Past Tense Exercise
Simple Past Tense Exercise : Jumbled Words
Simple Past Tense
Written By Demi Yurfina on Sunday, March 15, 2020 | 3:19 AM
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